Thursday, December 08, 2005

Top Ten Memories of College and then some....

So on Tuesday night Kat and I watched the Siggie video that Jen made. It wasn't the first or the second or even the third time I had watched it but what did I do???? I cried...I totally lost it...and have done that almost everytime I watch it. I love Siggies....I do not love the name...I do not love the shirts....the sweatshirts.....the grubs and socials...but I love my friends! I love that for no rhyme or reason hundreds of girls were put together to make a group and life long friends came from it. I love that even at the beginning when we got our bids...tons of us were destroyed when our bestfriends didn't get in and we questioned whether we would want to be apart of something that didn't accept everyone. We all stayed in and saw God work through that...whether our friends took other bids...or tried again next year. Those of us who stayed in made more friends and were blessed by that experience. I know tons of people do not understand club and actually hate it but that's fine. Those of us who have experienced it and have been apart of one know and could not imagine our lives with out the experience and friendships that came from it. Being apart of Siggies was a very unique experience and being able to be in a Leadership position stretched, challenge and molded me into who I am becoming and for that I'm thankful!

Ok sorry I got off on club but here are my top 10 favorite memories of college...

* Going Dancing at Oplin or dancing in my house infront of our mirror with my roomies
Eating BTS Popcorn and hanging out in Gardner Freshman year and creating friendships with some of my very bestfriends!

* Living on Campus Ct. with Linds K, Linds B, Mare, Cam, and Becca
* Kylie's Lake House Freshman Year and getting lost trying to follow Matt

*Going to Tishomingo
*Sing Song/making props..I love that!
*Cassie and Austin's Wedding
*Emily's Wedding
*SBC to San Fran with the Calli Girls
Singing Opra to Ashley H. at night!!!
* Going to Crimea
*hanging out at the White house
* Studying abroad in Oxford
* Sharing and Caring/PHI MIZE's (I never knew how to spell it) and EOX and everything that goes with those two!

I loved college. The past four and half years have been incredible. I learned how to live away from my parents...(atleast not in the same house) I searched for a faith of my own...I learned how to make and nurture relationships with friends. I figured out what some of my passions and gifts are and what I may want to do with my future. I learned how to serve and how it can not be selfish. I learned life isn't easy and not always what you plan it to be and when you are broken the Lord will bless you with Friends and peace to get through it. I would take up way to much space if I continued to write all I learned during College...we all would if we tried. Anyway...I love ACU I love my experience and love my friends and I'm ready to graduate tomorrow!


Lindsay Barker said...

I love ya Ros! We have so many great memories and I am so thankful for them and for you!

JENNY said...

What a great post and reminder of how wonderful college was. You are such a good friend to so many people, Rosalyn.

Kara said...

Rosalyn- You are such a joyous person and made the past 4 years memorable for many people! You are such a great friend. Congrats on graduating

Kat said...

Remember how we graduated and I already moved away...I miss you too! Can't wait to see you this was dress shopping with Camille? Love you.

ewall said...

ros, girl i love you and i love that you are so passionate about the people and memories in your life! i'm so excited to continue watching you learn as you've graduated from college-you are going to do amazing things. you greatly bless my life--