Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Who's Next?

Well this past weekend was soooo much fun! You all know I flip out when I get to see friends and that's just what I did last weekend! I wont go into all the details I'll just make a top ten list in Linds' honor and that will fill in some of the details.

Celebrating "Brinds" Wedding!
Late night talks with Barker and Mize and acting like a 13 year old girls at a sleep over!
After wedding cookout/swim party with a lot of our friends (minus Cassie and Austin who were really missed)!
Spending time with Emily W.
Bridal luncheon at fun Aunt Shannon's
Lemon Box Ice Cream for Breakfast
IHOP Breakfast with the Acostas, Barker and Cody
Being early to everything and shocking Linds K.
Visting with Deb and seeing her incredible Siggie T-Shirt Blanket

So who is next??? Who will make the sacrifice to get married so we can all get together again? It was sad saying goodbye to friends b/c we couldn't say when the next time would be that we would see each other. I got depressed! I guess I can just plan an activity for us all and no one HAS to get married! I'll keep you posted!

Here are some pics of the weekend that I'm stealing from Mize's facebook!


Jen said...

you should make the pictures bigger so i can see them better.

Rosalyn said...

i tried but they will not get bigger...sorry jen!

Kenli Shea said...

I guess I will be the next to ummmm, die so that we can all see one another. Wait a second, well, yeah, I will sacrifice my body for you guys to have a reunion just tell me when.

Kenli Shea said...

Mize-Royce Money, good one. But, he is about to retire so I am not sure if he would pay for alum, I can talk to Pam after he passes.