Thursday, December 29, 2005


The people in this picture were my bestfriends growing up minus a few who could not make it. We spent every day of every summer with each other for seven years doing mission trips, going on treks, participating in what we called Mission Mondays, swimming or just hanging out at each other's houses. Most of us have been together since birth....gone to preschool, elementary, middle school, highschool and now college together. Over the break we had a UYG (University Youth Group) reunion and it was soooo much fun! I think everyone was a little nervous to come around since it had been so long since a few of us had been around each other but immediately everyone started joking around and throwing out memories that made us laugh for hours. We are like brothers and sisters and no matter what length we are apart we have a bond that is speacial and allows us to feel at home. What a blessing it was to grow up with these people. We were blessed by the community our church had and by the relationships we formed with the each other in our youth group. These friendships are very unique and ones we are all greatful for.


Katey said...

WOW! I wasn't part of the University Youth Group, but having grown up with all the people in that picture as well, I can imagine the fun you guys had. From Rainbow School all the way through ACU- it is neat that so many of you stayed together. I'm glad you guys had that time, reconnecting with those people in your life is really important!

Cody Blair said...

great pic, great post, great night...and great past few days too :)