So I am crazy about Anna Maria Horner I think she has the most unique style and unbelievable ideas and fabric. I stalk her. Anyways I am wanting to make my own Christmas decorations this year (well some of them). I have sweet memories of my mom and dad's first Christmas decorations that my mom handmade. I think it would be so fun to do that as well. So I borrowed Anna Maria's patterns and have gotten to work...I am crazy and am trying to make the garland pictured above. Josh thinks I have lost my mind b/c it has taken ALL week just to make 40 of those circles....I need atleast 90 maybe more. They are sooo cute though who wouldn't want that on their Christmas Tree. I will get them done it's not a problem.
I want my Christmas decorations to be all colors and sort of vintage, so I got the 12 Days of Chirstmas ornaments from C & B and the felt ones. They are adorable! I'm trying to make my own version mixed with Anna Maria's pattern of the owls b/c I can not afford a whole tree of C&B's.
I'm also wanting to hang that cute door over my couch. I love the chalkboard. It will be so fun to change what it says depending on what is going on or what season it is.
Now I am starting to have a love hate relationship with craigslist. You can find some of the most wonderful things but it is so difficult, too. I want 6 old wooden chairs that I can recover the seats. I have the perfect material but no chairs. Hopefully some pop up soon b/c I have a total of two chairs in my house and we are about to have a house full of family and friends. These projects are all I can think about right now...
Ok I'm back but I'm a bit rusty... here is our summer in Europe backwards ....I'm not fixing it...this took hours as is... forgive the slide with a black spot...that is Oxford...I guess I didn't finish that one.. grace please
Here are some of my bests when we all meet up in Houston to spend some good quality girl time!!!
More to come... New house, Nashville Trip, and Holiday/House projects...